This material has been provided for you that it may help you in your pursuit of learning God's word. These sermons have been put together as a curriculum for our church to build leadership in men and women who want to know the scriptures and how to use the word of God in their lives. At Old Paths Baptist Church, we want our people to not just know something about the Bible, but rather to know the Bible.

The Books
The first section lays out every book of the Bible. It is a study to help you get the individual books in perspective and help you get an overall understanding of the 66 books of God's Word and how they lay themselves out.

The second section is on the practical studies in the Bible; teaching, encouragement, and edification for everyday Christian living. In this section, you will find character studies, studies on family, marriage, training your children, devotional material and studies to help you in your daily walk with Christ.

The third section is on doctrinal studies in the Word of God. These are listed by subject matter. We teach these in addition to the Bible, book by book, to help match all the doctrines to the Bible itself.

We hope this material is helpful for you. Please feel free to download, pass on, and use this material for God's Glory. ("...freely ye have received, freely give." Matthew 10:8). These studies are built on the foundation of the great Philadelphian church age, Bible teachers who believed and taught that the Authorized King James Version 1611 was the absolute, infallible Word of God. This is also our stand. This material is meant to be a breath of fresh air in a stale, dead, apostate, Laodicean church age.

Any questions about these sermons can be voiced to Bob at (816) 590-6315
If you have any problems with this site please email Chris here.